AP Participant Grants for AP Summer Institutes
The APSI Scholarship Application for the 2025 summer institutes has been totally modified to increase the availability of scholarships for participants.
APSI Scholarship Information 2025
The College Board is pleased to share that they have completed their work to change and enhance the APSI scholarships. AP and CB Leadership has decided to greatly expand the funding of what we now call the AP Participant Grant. It only pays for tuition. All previous APSI scholarships have been discontinued. The AP Participant Grant will also operate differently. Kindly note the following:
There is an application for teachers to complete. It is now live. Click here for the application: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/professional-learning/ap-summer-institutes/participant-grants.
The application has been updated and is now open through May. CB will review and approve the grants on a rolling basis. Teachers need to select an APSI in the application. They will no longer need to pay taxes on the grant.CB will advise APSI sites of the teachers that have been approved via a report.CB has created Cvent Discount Codes for the grant program. We will share the codes with APSI in the report. APSI will contact the teacher and provide the code for them to register. Or, if already registered, APSI adds the code under the attendee registration record in Cvent. The discount code functionality needs to be active in all APSI events. It is already in the new 2025 APSI Cvent template.
Attached is an FAQ on the process. Please review it in depth. The APSI scholarship email has been closed. Please use appl@collegeboard.org for any questions.
FAQ & Timeline for AP Participant Grants for AP Summer Institutes
Table of Contents:
• Timeline
• Recipient Lists and Cvent Discount Codes
• Sending Cvent Discount Codes to Recipients
• Invoicing for Participant Grants
• Email Template
• Group Sessions
2025 AP Participant Grant Timeline New for 2025:
AP Participant Grants are available to qualifying AP teachers in all AP courses*.
Participant grants will cover the cost of tuition to attend one College Board endorsed APSI during the summer of 2025.
*For PBL and Capstone subjects only, AP Participant Grants will still be distributed directly by the AP program.
Application launch: January 10, 2025
Application deadline: May 31, 2025
Notification of grant to AP Participant Grant applicants: College Board sends APSIs recipient and Cvent Discount Code lists on rolling basis from February 1st –June 15th (to account for any last-minute application submission on May 31st). APSIs then sends notifications to AP Participant Grant recipients.
Invoicing: APSIs can submit invoices via our online form starting in July through October 15th.
Recipient List and Cvent Discount Codes
College Board will process AP Participant Grant applications on a rolling basis starting in January and continuing through May.
As part of the application process, teachers indicate which APSI they wish to attend. College Board will send out an initial notification to those awarded the grants confirming they will receive an email from their selected APSI which will include a unique Cvent Discount Code* and instructions on how to register.
APSIs with grant recipients will receive a list which includes a unique Cvent Discount Code for each recipient. Using these lists, each APSI will email their list of recipients with instructions on how the recipient will use their individual code to register for their APSI session. This step should be completed within 3-5 business days from receipt of the list.
Email lists will be specific to each APSI and will only contain the names, emails, and codes of recipients who selected that specific APSI.
Recipient/Code lists will be sent from appl@collegeboard.org – Please be sure to add this email address to your email contact list
Recipient/Code lists will be sent to the APSI Directors at each institution.