Cambria Hotel & Suites North
To make reservations use this link to the Cambria Hotel website brings you directly to book the dates for our conference and is good for Check-In on SUNDAY, 7/13/25 to Check-Out on THURSDAY 7/17/25.
4425 E Irma Lane
Phoenix, AZ 85050
Reservation Phone: 480-585-6644
To register use the Group Name"Phoenix Desert Summer Institute and the Group Code X00418. (You must use the group code to receive the special rate) NOTE: Your reservation MUST be made by June 23, 2025.
The Cambria Hotel is conveniently located directly across from Desert Ridge Marketplace with a plethora of dining, shopping and entertainment.
Guest will appreciate the following amenities:
*Free continental breakfast
*Free Parking
*Free Wi-Fi
*Fitness Center
*Outdoor Pool