AP Course:


kit wainer

Kit Wainer


Kit Wainer teaches Advanced Placement World History at Leon M. Goldstein High School in Brooklyn, NY. He has been a teacher for more than thirty years and has taught AP History courses for 19 years. Kit is a Table Leader at the AP® Exam Reading. He is the author of Strive for a Five: Preparing for the AP® World History Exam (2019), a contributing author to Strayer and Nelson’s Ways of the World, 4th edition (2019) and several articles on content and pedagogy for World History Connected and the Bulletin of World History. Kit also works as a mentor for new teachers and teachers who are new to AP World History.

Course Description:

This summer’s institute will focus on helping teachers prepare for the newly redesigned AP World History course. While APWH now covers a shorter time-span (1200 to the present), the curriculum is still rich with detail. We will discuss practical ways of covering the material, where to find good historical sources, and how to plan your course. We will also spend a good deal of time learning how to teach the particular writing skills the course requires,and making sure that teachers understand exactly what the rubrics demand. Teachers will come away with some creative strategies for teaching writing and some original methods of teaching content.